Original French title : Zèbre de soirée

Date: 2015, October
Format: 60 x 73 cm
Category: ,

This is the first time I draw a zebra. I had this idea of representing zebra in a living room and imagined covered with rhinestones and glitter.
I created it for presentation at the Affordable Art Fair fair in London in October 2015.
And then he went to the Affordable Art Fair Fair Singapore in Asia represented by Be & Art Gallery in November 2015.

Here are some sketches

Sketches croquis-1.jpgSketches croquis-3.jpgSketches croquis-2.jpg

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Nouvelle peinture: Zèbre de soirée (60 x 73 cm)Plus d'infos: http://www.jeremiebaldocchi.fr/peintre/?p=1695

Posté par Jérémie Baldocchi sur mardi 15 mars 2016